November 2022: Carambhash

I think they have gotten a supply of baggies from some hip coffee shop in Amsterdam because I don't know what the obsession is with candy otherwise.
October 2022: Shitkers

Sounds disgusting, smells dank, mostly makes you hungry. I appreciate his commitment to the candy bit for Halloween though.
September 2022: Weed Bae

It's Weed Bae. Enough said.
August 2022: Runtz

Honestly this was pretty lazy by his standards but it did include some of the fruits on the packaging.
June 2022: LV X Supreme

Can't believe Louis Vuitton hasn't formalized this partnership opportunity tbh.
April 2022: Haribeuh

I hate to say it, but the name might have been apt for the wrong reasons: this shit was weak af.
Feb 2022: Capri Seum

It even was holographic!
Dec 2021: Mr. Weed

Yes, that's Goku attacking you with a (sentient?) cannabis leaf that has glasses and the label "MR WEED". This was a very good batch. Kamehamehaaaa!